Hello Everyone!
I have been away for a bit as I am trying to do various jobs to make ends meet. The T-shirts have not connected yet with the public but I know they will. :) Right now I am working for a Wi-Fi company driving around all day scanning the magnetic airwaves...haha. Well I guess it makes sense being an Energyworker..I am still connecting with the Universal energies. Even though it is a bit tedious and tiring I have seen so many more areas of my city Toronto that I had not before and some interesting houses and sites. There really are so many beings on this planet. Makes me wonder if everyone just knew about the powerful energy that we are individually what power we would have as a united front. This world could be our joyful & loving playground. As I drive down each street I ask the Violet Flame to surround everyone and assist them in transforming. I drove by one house yesterday and it had this very interesting symbol on it. I was amazed as it looked like a symbol I channelled. It really was beautiful. I would love to know the people inside. I also took it as a sign that I am doing this job for a reason and that the symbols need to be out there in whatever way, shape or form. Even if only for someone to stop and take a look. :) They are our first method of communication when we were light particles roaming the beams of the Universe. They are our history and our future. I am thankful that I have returned to that part of me that remembers and I know that in divine time it will be our form of communication once again.
Okay , well what I originally wanted to post today was to mention about a lovely african site that I came across. As I have been searching to create that special doll I mentioned before. On this site there are a few links to arts & crafts by African Artists. I like them all but I really love the beaded Angels Against Crime. Please take a look and maybe pick-up an Angel and help support our Kind(red). www.angelsagainstcrime.co.za & www.ilala.co.za.
Remember that my (red) t-shirts in my online stores that 50% of the profits will be donated to Bono's GO (RED) Campaign to support medicine for those with AIDS IN AFRICA.
Thanks....what's with the stag parties link??
Thanks for the update and link Earnest. I may create something with a healing symbol for breast cancer with my t-shirts.
Check back. Peace*
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