My brothers and sisters we have divinely created a spiritual healing workshop which we will faciliate from magical places in the tropics. Travel to places you have longed to visit. Sooth and enlighten your soul. Learn Reiki and receive several attunements. Awaken your divine note and connect with those of like-mind.
We hope you will join us. The first workshop will be in Akumal, Yucatan, Mexico.
Please see my other site for full details.
Chritina is a gentle beautiful soul
who gives beautiful energy and
direction. I have known her for at
leat 10 years and her enery will
assist one in healing, balance
and attutening your soul to its
rightful place of peace and well
being. Her deep connection in
the dophin realm will awaken,
regenerate and assist in bringing
laughter and joy back to your life.
Paola Norman
Thank you Paola. How beautiful. You are a magnificant soul as well.
Much love,
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