Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006

Check out My Gallery and each link I have done so far for new items and a variety of products. Much more to come as I discover more ways and things I can create for the symbols. :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
My First Sale :)
How exciting I made my first sale today! Someone bought 2 packages of the U.S. stamps. Thank you to whoever you are..I am overjoyed! Even more so with the stamps because they will travel to many places. That is a blessing to know that the energy of the symbols will not only travel to other cities or countries but through many peoples hands. This is the best reward. This is only the beginning. Many thanks!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
New Symbols
I have many new symbols and yesterday I went to Staples to scan them to disc so that I can bring them to you and create new t-shirts. Oh my goodness...for 5 it cost $12++. I have 16..I think there has to be a less expensive place. Now buying a scanner would be the way to go or a digital camera but until that is possible I have to take them somewhere. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I am new to all this! :)
Friday, September 22, 2006
More Exposure
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Available to Order Right Now!
I was looking to find a wholesale supplier of t-shirts and found this amazing website. I was so thrilled as I can create different products with the Symbols and let them do the rest. They are ready to order. Check it out. More on the way.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Spirit Leads the Way
Today I received an email from someone I do not know. I do not usually open junkmail but something persuaded me to. The email asked if I had a website. It had a link to their website and they signed their name. I was curious as to why this person would ask this and where did she find my email. Of course there is tons of spam out there but this just had a different feel to it...;). I replied questioning where she had found my info. Her reply was that she could not remember but did I have something to sell or did I provide any services. Well I said not really on the internet. I took a look at their website and it was for t-shirts/shirts & graphic designs.
Oh my mind starting running....had I not just been asking the Universe if it was time to put the symbols out there and would putting them on t-shirts be the way to go. I had started doing them on cards but felt that the t-shirts was more powerful but yet simple. I have procastinated for several years about doing this as I felt it was not it is.
I sent this person a link to my blog and asked her to take a look and tell me what she thought. Shortly after I received an email from someone else in the company and he said he had checked it out and really liked them. He asked what was I waiting for and to contact them so they could show me an example. Though it is so simple it was beautiful to see what I had created or rather brought forth from Spirit on something besides paper. I hope that this is the beginning of my being able to share with you the ability Spirit has given me as in essence it is really for all of us. This is our origins.
I will keep you posted.
If you would like to have a symbol channelled specifically for you please contact me for more details.
As God's word. The knowledge of this language comes from a core memory of information being shared by the higher spiritual levels of existence. It allows man to read the "records of the mysteries" in the higher heavens.
Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak
The universal language of light is known throughout God's creation as the primary form of communication.
In Love, Light * Peace
Oh my mind starting running....had I not just been asking the Universe if it was time to put the symbols out there and would putting them on t-shirts be the way to go. I had started doing them on cards but felt that the t-shirts was more powerful but yet simple. I have procastinated for several years about doing this as I felt it was not it is.
I sent this person a link to my blog and asked her to take a look and tell me what she thought. Shortly after I received an email from someone else in the company and he said he had checked it out and really liked them. He asked what was I waiting for and to contact them so they could show me an example. Though it is so simple it was beautiful to see what I had created or rather brought forth from Spirit on something besides paper. I hope that this is the beginning of my being able to share with you the ability Spirit has given me as in essence it is really for all of us. This is our origins.
I will keep you posted.
If you would like to have a symbol channelled specifically for you please contact me for more details.
As God's word. The knowledge of this language comes from a core memory of information being shared by the higher spiritual levels of existence. It allows man to read the "records of the mysteries" in the higher heavens.
Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak
The universal language of light is known throughout God's creation as the primary form of communication.
In Love, Light * Peace
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Meditate on the Symbol

These symbols are also amazing to meditate on such as staring at them for a length of time. You may find that you sort of go into a trance or right into a meditative state. Each person will have their own experience. The key is though to have no expectations and to only let the energy of the symbol radiate through you. At this time it is beyond our consciousness but there are those with their own abilities that will have a greater understanding or experience. Either way everyone will be drawn or sense the power of the symbol and I know that most of you will see the white light energy emanating around the symbol. Just look at it for a few minutes and take in it's presence.
My mission I know is to share my abilities with everyone and to bring The Language of Light more into this realm for us to expand our consciousness. If you see it as only graphics or art or nothing at all that is fine as I know that it serves us on many levels. One day we will remember that this is the language of the universe and that we all can understand it.
Until next in oneness and enjoy each day!
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to order your own personal symbol.

I have been drawing or channeling symbols for the last 5 years. Many would call it The Language of Light. I do not profess to understand everything nor would I be able to as it is multi-dimensional and one symbol I was once told contains volumes of knowledge. I just allow the flow and bring through the symbol. I have done several for individuals and for some homes but usually I just draw them to bring through whatever is flowing through me. I recently made some cards when I was out in Vancouver for a while and thought I would like to bring these symbols more out into the public. Now this is still on a personal basis as individual symbols would be for a specific person. As an intuitive energy and sound healer I can attune to your energy and bring through a symbol that will resonate for you. Not to say that if wearing a t-shirt with your custom-made symbol will it only serve you you must remember that what energy you emanate will affect others. This means that though the symbol was created for you since it is from the Universe (God) it will have an individual affect on others as well.
When the urge comes and the Universe nudges me to draw I create symbols also that are for all of us. These ones I would like to put on cards or make for places and spaces like businesses or homes etc. that the symbols will serve and create a specific energy.
I feel that it is time to bring them forth on a grander scale and T-shirts seems the way to go right now. So if there are any companies or individuals out there that would like to add this type of graphic to their T-shirts and bring your business/work to another dimension please contact me. I really do not know how else to go about this at this time and I am hoping that I will make the right connection.:) Any suggestions are most welcomed. Look forward to hearing from you.
Peace & Blessings!
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