Oh my mind starting running....had I not just been asking the Universe if it was time to put the symbols out there and would putting them on t-shirts be the way to go. I had started doing them on cards but felt that the t-shirts was more powerful but yet simple. I have procastinated for several years about doing this as I felt it was not time...now it is.
I sent this person a link to my blog and asked her to take a look and tell me what she thought. Shortly after I received an email from someone else in the company and he said he had checked it out and really liked them. He asked what was I waiting for and to contact them so they could show me an example. Though it is so simple it was beautiful to see what I had created or rather brought forth from Spirit on something besides paper. I hope that this is the beginning of my being able to share with you the ability Spirit has given me as in essence it is really for all of us. This is our origins.
I will keep you posted.
If you would like to have a symbol channelled specifically for you please contact me for more details.
As God's word. The knowledge of this language comes from a core memory of information being shared by the higher spiritual levels of existence. It allows man to read the "records of the mysteries" in the higher heavens.
Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak
The universal language of light is known throughout God's creation as the primary form of communication.
In Love, Light * Peace
Hi Christina, a couple of days ago, I picked an angel card and it
told me among many other things that I need a symbol, go figure!
I love those t-shirts, too cool.
Thank you Paola! I will work on a symbol for you a.s.a.p.
Glad you like the t-shirts. I hope others will also.
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