I have been drawing or channeling symbols for the last 5 years. Many would call it The Language of Light. I do not profess to understand everything nor would I be able to as it is multi-dimensional and one symbol I was once told contains volumes of knowledge. I just allow the flow and bring through the symbol. I have done several for individuals and for some homes but usually I just draw them to bring through whatever is flowing through me. I recently made some cards when I was out in Vancouver for a while and thought I would like to bring these symbols more out into the public. Now this is still on a personal basis as individual symbols would be for a specific person. As an intuitive energy and sound healer I can attune to your energy and bring through a symbol that will resonate for you. Not to say that if wearing a t-shirt with your custom-made symbol will it only serve you you must remember that what energy you emanate will affect others. This means that though the symbol was created for you since it is from the Universe (God) it will have an individual affect on others as well.
When the urge comes and the Universe nudges me to draw I create symbols also that are for all of us. These ones I would like to put on cards or make for places and spaces like businesses or homes etc. that the symbols will serve and create a specific energy.
I feel that it is time to bring them forth on a grander scale and T-shirts seems the way to go right now. So if there are any companies or individuals out there that would like to add this type of graphic to their T-shirts and bring your business/work to another dimension please contact me. I really do not know how else to go about this at this time and I am hoping that I will make the right connection.:) Any suggestions are most welcomed. Look forward to hearing from you.
Peace & Blessings!
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