These symbols are also amazing to meditate on such as staring at them for a length of time. You may find that you sort of go into a trance or right into a meditative state. Each person will have their own experience. The key is though to have no expectations and to only let the energy of the symbol radiate through you. At this time it is beyond our consciousness but there are those with their own abilities that will have a greater understanding or experience. Either way everyone will be drawn or sense the power of the symbol and I know that most of you will see the white light energy emanating around the symbol. Just look at it for a few minutes and take in it's presence.
My mission I know is to share my abilities with everyone and to bring The Language of Light more into this realm for us to expand our consciousness. If you see it as only graphics or art or nothing at all that is fine as I know that it serves us on many levels. One day we will remember that this is the language of the universe and that we all can understand it.
Until next time...be in oneness and enjoy each day!
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to order your own personal symbol.
1 comment:
i have some intuitive art work just like that which I paint free hand - if you want to see some of it contact me on madallig@gmail.com
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